Friday, January 13, 2006

Moving On...

My mom just called to tell me they bought a new house - in a new town. My childhood home and the town that I will always consider my hometown and I'll never see it again. They will be moving in to the new place in 3 weeks and I won't get a chance to get off work to make the trek back to see it all before they move.

I'm sure it's stupid to be so upset about this, but I just am. I have so many memories there - in the house AND in the town. Memories of so many Christmas mornings running out to the living room to see what Santa brought, or sitting on the patio with my dad watching storms roll in, or dozens of slumber parties, or of being a little girl, sitting in the bean bag watching my big sister get ready to go out on a date. Or places in town - my schools, my best friend's house, the playground where I used to go to sort out my thoughts, the place where I had my first date. Just so many things.

I lived in that house for 18+ years. Granted, now I only make it home 2-3 times a year, but it was always *there*.

It was always HOME.


At 3:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

De, I don't think your being stupid about your feelings because I have the same fear. Yes, I still live at home with my Mom but there is a time when she talks about selling the house, the only house I've ever known and it scares me. Part of the problem is because my Dad is deceased and I have so many memories of him here- I don't want to loose it.
I'm sorry you won't be able to get back to your house before your parents move but maybe the new owners might let you in to have a look.


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