Monday, February 27, 2006

I hate my job.

I honestly don't enjoy it anymore. I think if I had *anything* else I could do, I would pursue it. I just dread every single day. And that isn't healthy.

Saturday, February 25, 2006


I've been MIA because I have been SO sick! I managed to drag myself to work this week and then I would collapse in bed by 6 each night. I finally made it to the doctor on Friday to get some medicine. Turns out I have an upper respiratory infection with the start of bronchitis. But the meds are helping!!

I think I got so stressed out at work the last couple of weeks that I just wore myself down. I realize nothing is worth getting this sick over. Whatever I don't get done at work, just doesn't get done. I can only do so much.

We'll see how long I can keep up my "no stress" mood!!!

Monday, February 20, 2006

Daytona 500, baby!

WOO! Congrats to Team 48 on their huge win yesterday. I just hate that Chad wasn't there, but this win is for him. =)

Saturday, February 11, 2006

I got tagged....

Yay! I've been tagged by Marissa...

4 Jobs I’ve had in my life:

*IVT Studio Technician
*SSA Title XVI Claims Representative
*cashier at a grocery store
*cashier/clerk at a hardware store

4 Movies I can watch over and over:

*When Harry Met Sally
*Moulin Rouge
*Teen Witch
*Office Space

4 TV Shows I love to watch:

*The Office
*One Tree Hill
*Family Guy

4 Places I have lived:

*Blue Springs, MO
*Salina, KS
*Hays, KS
*Great Bend, KS

4 Places I have been on holiday:

*Orlando, FL
*Colorado Springs, CO
*Indianapolis, IN
*Las Vegas, NV

4 of my favorite dishes:

*Habey Dip from Habaneros
*Fried Chicken with Mashed Potatoes & gravy
*Salad from Olive Garden
*Tortilla Roll Ups

4 of my favorite bands (Marissa added this one):

*Fall Out Boy
*Def Leppard
*Rascal Flatts

4 Websites I visit daily:

*My Space
*Cheesin' Chadwick

4 Places I would rather be right now:

*Home with my family
*On a beach, somewhere
*Hanging with friends in Vegas

4 Bloggers I am tagging:


Sunday, February 05, 2006


Guess what I did last night? Rich threw me a surprise 30th birthday party! :) I had NO clue...I was honestly shocked. ('Course, it helps that it was a week after my birthday, I certainly wasn't expecting it!) He got almost all of the people I love to be there! We were a rowdy bunch - 14 people drinking Grande Margaritas *always* turns out for the best! ;) Good thing my party had its own room....

Pictures will follow once Ann gets them to me. QHEE!

EDIT: Photos are up!!! But, beware...LOL