Friday, July 29, 2005

...and on a SCHOOL night...

We had a work gathering last night at Aron's house and it was a freakin' blast! We BBQ-ed hamburgers and chicken, drank beer, daiquiris and other festive beverages. I love that we finally have a group of people that are so much fun! It was just some great bonding. And I know I'm proud that I was keeping up with Sean, beverage for beverage. ;)

But I didn't feel so hot this morning. I'm too old for partying on a school night....

Wednesday, July 27, 2005


We're back on the air after our 5 week break. During which we *completely* revamped our studio and equipment. I must say that today went quite well. It almost made all the stress of the last month worth it! :)

Monday, July 25, 2005

There is ....

....just no substitute for a friend. One that listens to you whole heartedly and that you try to give the same attention back to. Someone to confide in, commiserate with and laugh with. Even if you hardly say a word.

It's just what I needed this evening and it makes me so happy to know someone has my back. And I hers.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Feelin' hot, hot, hot!

It's too hot. It's supposed to be 103 degrees today. *That* is too hot. I like summer for a little while, but now I'm ready for fall and some cooler weather.

But seeing as how I can't do anything about it, I think I need to hit Oceans of Fun and just soak in the water. :)

As of this morning? 14 pounds lost. 14!! Qhee! :) And to think if I could only get back to working out. I could be over 15 pounds! But seeing as how I haven't gotten home from work before 7 pm this week, I'm too exhausted to do anything except eat supper and go to bed. LOL

Monday, July 18, 2005

Sad? Yes, but then there's always "My Two Chads"....

Ever get sad for no apparent reason? Who knows. I think I'm slightly insane these days. I was feeling just fine and something hit me and now I'm crying at every little thing. I think I certainly need to turn off the sad tunes. That can't be helping.

I am slightly cheered at our update. My Two Chads. *giggles* We crack me up. ;)

Work was a little better today, actually. My boss' boss pulled me aside and told me how impressed the Atlanta folks were with my knowledge, enthusiasm and willingness to do whatever needed done in regards to our studio redesign. She told me they thought that I would be the one to make the redesign a success. Talk about praise! And stress! If I make it through to next Wednesday when we go back live on-the-air with all the changes, it will be a miracle! But it makes me proud to be such a crucial element.

See? I should be happy. Who knows what my deal is.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Concert fun

Rich and I were in Atchison for the Sara Evans & Sawyer Brown concert last night. It was pretty fun, but REALLY HOT. And I don't do heat. LOL But they were both awesome in concert and I'm glad we went. It was lawn seating, so we got there pretty early and scored seating right up front! Here are just a few of our photos. We didn't get home until 2 AM this morning from the concert and I'm thinking perhaps I'm already in need of a nap. :)

And just 'cause I was so excited this morning: 12 pounds lost!! QHEE! :)

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Do you ever wonder...

....why you bother to come back to work after a mini-vacation?

Oh yeah. 'Cause I like to buy things and for that, I need money.

What a day. Ick. Ugh. Blah.

I hate that all I seem to do is complain lately. It's so not me and I don't like it at all.

I'll work on that. ;)

Friday, July 08, 2005

Hot-Lanta....and beyond!

I'm home from Atlanta! I had a wonderful time visiting the Atlanta IVT Studio with Denice. The people there were wonderful and Denice and I always have a fantastic time together. There's no stopping "The Deniceum"!

I can't believe we survived the tropical storm Cindy remnants (as experienced from the 47th floor of our mostly glass hotel, The Westin), conquered the revolving restaurant AND bar and even braved the MARTA. Subways are not my thing, especially after the tragedy in London.

I have uploaded some of my photos, so check 'em out if you want! :)

I'm off to see the fam tomorrow morning, so I'll catch up with y'all when I return. (I've spent too much time with those folks down south...)

Sunday, July 03, 2005

I've got personality...

You are dreamy, peaceful, and young at heart.
Optimistic and caring, you tend to see the best in people.
You tend to be always smiling - and making others smile.

You are shy and intelligent... and a very hard worker.
You're also funny, but many people don't see your funny side.
Your subtle dry humor leaves your close friends in stitches.

Much thanks to Carrie for this....I love taking any quizzes (however short or long). So, if you have any other good ones, just let me know! :)

Oh, and to keep this updated: 11 pounds lost, baby!! QHEE!