Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Hard work!

Man, I'm exhausted!! Tracy & Shawn moved into their new house on Monday, so I spent last evening and all of today helping them. We moved all of her clothes in today and then spent the entire day cleaning out cupboards, putting shelf liner down and unpacking all of the Kitchen boxes. Who knew that could take so long??

But what a fun day! I think a day of mindless, hard labor is just what I needed. I feel great tonight....exhausted, but great. I think I need more days like this. I just wish I could help her again tomorrow (nothing beats taking days off of work...LOL!)

*kicks her feet up*

And on a totally unrelated note--I was decked out in all my Bohemian glory at work on Monday:

I think it's kind of a good look for me...groovy, baby! ;)

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Reading and wallowing

I finished reading this book and it was wonderful! I was a bit afraid of it 'cause it was HUGE, but I tackled it and got to the point that I couldn't put it down! Highly recommended...

I missed Jill's big party last night. I was SO sick yesterday.I woke up with the worst headache ever and I was so dizzy. I couldn't hardly get out of bed, so I mostly just laid in bed all day. It was kinda nice. I needed some "me" time to unwind and de-stress. The only bad part was that I had to miss the big hoopla. At least Vegas is still looming! :)

And what a win today for Jimmie! And seeing Chad on Victory Lane! And having the Colts be 3-0 (even though Peyton seems to have forgotten how to throw a touchdown)! So, there is some good even in these hard times for me.

It'll all be okay. I just need to breathe deeply and not worry so much. Something like that.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

on the edge

I honestly think I'm on the edge of a breakdown. It would certainly explain a lot of things lately.

I just can't take all of this right now. I wish I could just go somewhere, kick back and do NOTHING. I need to get rid of some of this stress or it's gonna tear me up.


Sunday, September 18, 2005


So, I've been dizzy at various times throughout the day for the past week or so. Who knows what in the heck that means? Perhaps I've not been eating right or something with the change in the weather. I blame it on stress from work!!

I think I need a vacation!! BUT...only 26 more days until we leave for VEGAS!!! QHEE! :) That just might keep me going. ;)

Thursday, September 15, 2005


Aah, what lovely weather we've been having. Temps in the lower 70's and a light breeze. Good times, good times. :) I love fall (even though I guess it's not technically here yet). But I have learned that I need some new fall dress clothes, since we are now having to dress up for work. I have a few good items, but a girl can't ever have enough new clothes!! :)

Check it out--Marissa, you are too cool!! *big grin*

And now I'm off to bed to prepare me for another fun-filled day of work. I swear, these last few weeks have been dragging. I have been so exhausted by the time I get home each evening, but I *have* been managing to get some workouts in. Yay!

Sunday, September 11, 2005


Yesterday was a strange day for me.

I laid on my couch for 4 hours watching True Hollywood Story on E!. I don't do things like that for that length of time, without getting bored. My attention span just won't hold up that long!

I found myself rooting for Ryan Newman to make The Chase for the Nextel Cup. Now, anyone who knows me at all, knows I don't cheer for No Neck under *any* circumstance. And even now, I find myself hoping he does well in the Chase. (*feels forehead for any sign of fever*)

I couldn't combat my desire for a hot fudge sundae in the evening. I've been doing so good and have been able to talk myself out bad things, but I just couldn't help it. And it was oh, so tasty!

I didn't have the urge to go shopping and buy myself some new clothes. *That* is incredibly strange. I was bored yesterday and usually that is the first thing I would opt for. But alas, no.

Hrm. Must've been the moon or something. :)

Friday, September 09, 2005

I'm Kind of a Big Deal...

It's Friday! It's kickoff weekend in football! Good times are abounding! :)

My buds and I at work hit Subway for lunch. Keep in mind that the Deniceum are "famous" at the local downtown Subway because of how often we eat there. They start our order when we walk in the door, without us even having to tell them what we want. They tell the other customers that we are their favorite people. They laugh as we wave and dance our way out after lunch. As we were leaving, I told Sean that it must be difficult to hang with such "celebrities" and, without missing a beat, he assures me that "I know, you're kind of a big deal." ;)

Not much on the agenda for this weekend. Tracy is needing to finish up her packing since they move in less than 2 weeks. So, I'll be helping with that. And then mostly parking myself in front of the TV for racing and FOOTBALL! QHEE! :)

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Highs, lows & in-betweens

This makes me happy:

I saw TG today....and that makes me sad all over again.

Our new boss arrived and it was okay. That just scares me. LOL

Monday, September 05, 2005

Reading Rainbow....

I just finished this book. I LOVED it! It was written entirely in email/IM convos (which is such a fun format ala some of Meg Cabot's books) and the stories of all of the characters were wonderful. And eye-opening. For me. It had the right combo of funny and sad. And it was such a quick read. Perfect for a lazy holiday weekend. :)

Saturday, September 03, 2005

not much going on...

Hrm. I've been neglecting this, haven't I? Well, I've been down the past week or so but I'm starting to feel a bit more Denise-like. Thank God. I hate being depressed. *sigh* I'm not 100% yet, but I think I'll pull through.

I got up this morning and weighed....17 pounds lost since I started this whole diet thing. Yay! I think my goal of losing 20 pounds *could* just come true!! :)

Rich and I are going to a BBQ at Ann's house tomorrow night, so I'm looking forward to that. And you gotta love an extra day off. I must prepare myself for the arrival of our new boss on Tuesday. I'm freaked, but I'm hopeful that things will go smoother this round. We're not as resistant to change as we were when she was here in July, so that should help out some. I'm sure I'll be updating that saga as it rolls along.

That's it. I'm off to the library (aren't you proud, Marissa?!?) ;)